Monday, October 12, 2015

Chapter Eight - Passing On The Familly "Attitude"

Norma watched from her window as Josef loaded Hector's body into his pickup and drove off. 'Good riddance,' she thought and put on her pajamas then went to bed.

The next few weeks were a blur for Norma. Besides taking care of the twins and Clarice, Norma was questioned repeatedly about the last time she had seen her husband alive. Josef and her had decided not to see each other for awhile after the "accident" as to not bring suspicion upon them. The cops weren't stupid and if they found out they were together, they would put two and two together and get four.

Life had become pretty boring for Norma. She took care of kids for the most part and when they napped she worked on the motel. 'We need a new victim!' Norma Jean told her one day. 'I know, I'm craving a killing too, but we need to wait, no point in screwing all this up just for a few minutes of fun.'

It was a quiet night three months after Hector had died. Norma had just put the babies down and given Clarice a bottle when she saw the weird lights outside again. "What is that?" she asked herself. She watched them from the window for a little while expecting them to disappear like the last time. When they didn't she decided to head outside to investigate.

 What happened next Norma wasn't expecting.


'It never happened! It was just a dream.' Norma thought. 'Keep telling yourself that. It doesn't matter how much you try to ignore it, it happened.' Norma Jean said.

Norma pushed the abduction to the back of her mind, she hated thinking about it, but with her new news she couldn't help it. She again found out she was pregnant.

'It's Josef's, the timing is right.' Norma said trying to convince Norma Jean. 'If you say so,' was all the reply she heard.

'We have to tell him,' Norma said as she rubbed her stomach. 'Why? Why can't we just raise this one without him, we're doing fine on our own with the other three.' Norma Jean said. 'Fine? Fine? We're not doing fine, your doing fine! I'm exhausted! I hardly have time to eat, sleep or even shit with these three! We need help!'

Against Norma Jean's wishes Norma called Josef, it had been almost nine months since she had seen or even talked to him. 'Boy is he going to be shocked!' Norma said as she hung up the phone and walked outside to wait for Josef.

He had been shocked to hear from her and actually agreed to come over right away. 'Maybe it's not his, maybe it will come out with scales and wings' Norma Jean joked. 'Shush, it is his! Lets just get his over with so we can have the twin's birthday.'

Josef showed up and Norma stood up. The look on his face was all she needed. It wasn't like she could hide it, she was huge!

"You're... who's.... how....?" he stumbled. 
"Yes, yours and well if you don't know how then we have a problem." Norma joked as she giggled. It was actually nice to see Josef, she had forgotten how handsome he was.

"The twins are having their first birthday, would you like to join us?" Norma asked as she started to head back into the house. 'That wasn't the plan! Get rid of him, he'll only screw everything up!' Norma Jean screamed. Norma ignored her. 
"Um, sure. So how are you?" Josef asked as she followed her up the stairs.

They chatted awhile while Norma put the finishing touches on the cakes for the twins and then brought each one downstairs one by one to have their birthday.

Norman, just as she knew he would be was so handsome, he was going to rule the ladies one day.

Bellatrix was just as cute but she looked an awful lot like Hector. A small stabbing pain hit Norma's heart when she looked at her. 'He didn't love you, remember.' 'I know.'

After the small party Norma walked Josef to his pickup. "It was nice seeing you," she told him kissing him on the cheek. 
"Can I call you tomorrow?" he asked her, his eyes holding hope in them. 
"I'll call you," she replied and turned and walked away.

She heard him start his truck and take off, 'Stop being all lovey dovey he's just as much as a loser as the other one!' Norma Jean said pissed that Norma was having feelings for Josef. 'He was just a pawn in our little game.' 'I know, but he can be quite nice and he is so handsome.' Norma replied back.

As she walked into the house she saw that Clarice had passed out on the floor. 'Great mother I am,' she thought just as the familiar pain hit her.

"Oh no, I have two weeks left, what the hell!" Norma screamed as she held her stomach. She had done all the calculations and she had come up with the exact day the baby was to be born, this was not right. She hadn't set up a babysitter, Josef had just left, what was she going to do? 
"Owwww!" another contraction hit, this one being harder than the last. "Oh god, I can't leave them alone!" she told herself as she hunched over in pain.

Clarice slept through the whole ordeal but Bellatrix watched and laughed as her mother screamed in pain. She sat on the couch, then got up. She then paced the small living room and dining area trying to think what to do next.

'It's too late, you can't get to the hospital in time,' Norma Jean told her. 'I know! Do you not think I don't know that! Who has had three fucking brats already!'

The contractions came closer and closer and Norma felt the babies head pushing on her opening. 'I have to push! I can't hold it in anymore!' 'Then push! I am right here with you, you'll be fine. You are strong and we can do this!' Norma Jean was a soothing voice to Norma as she pushed the baby out.

A girl, blue eyes and red hair. 'I told you it was his,' Norma said as she snuggled her baby daughter in her arms. "Her name is Annie," she said to Bellatrix. 'Like the little orphan!' Norma Jean screamed 'Oh hell no!' 'No, like in that movie we so love to watch together with Kathy Bates. You know, the torture one. I swear I am related to that woman.'

Norma Jean was satisfied then, as long as it wasn't that wimp orphan girl, she was fine with Annie.

With Annie born things become even more hectic for Norma. She started loosing even more sleep and her irritability came to the surface more often. Sadly Clarice always seemed to be the one that got her going the most and that is who she focused her anger on.

"Quit crying you little shit! Why can't you just shut the fuck up for two minutes!" she screamed for the tenth time that day.

Clarice looked at her mother with defiant eyes, maybe that is why Norma felt the need to yell at her so much. Another time Clarice had spilled her drink and Norma almost caught her self hitting the child. 'No, that will not do!' Norma Jean had stopped her. 'You're right, I just can't take this anymore.'

 The last straw was when Annie was screaming and Clarice wouldn't lay down for her nap.

"Take a fucking nap or I'll knock you out!" Norma screamed.

'You need help.' Norma Jean said. 'You're going to hurt them.' 'I know, I need to tell Josef that Annie was born, he'd help' 'You sure about that, he hasn't called since you told him you were pregnant.'

Norma knew Norma Jean was right but she wasn't going to admit it, the bastard didn't care. Oh she was going to get him to care though and then she would make him pay. She stopped yelling at the kids after that, focusing on her plan to kill Josef. Yes, that was going to be fun, and her aggravation at him could be unleashed.

Before she knew it it was time for another birthday. Clarice was finally going to old enough not to need constant supervision. She could help out with the others and Norma would finally get some help. She baked a beautiful cake for Clarice and lots of presents. Mostly clothes as Clarice would need new clothing growing up. She grew up into a beautiful little girl. She looked like Bert and a little like Norma.

Life started to get a little easier for Norma with Clarice to help. She was able to get the twins on a schedule and Annie to sleep more than ten minutes at a time. 'See we didn't need a man to help us!' Norma Jean boasted one day. 'It would of still helped,' Norma said still pissed she hadn't had time to call Josef yet.

Clarice started school shortly after her birthday. She looked so grown up that Norma started wishing the twins would get to be that age soon. 'Oh how I would love to have only one baby in the house for awhile,' she thought to Norma Jean.

Norma noticed one day how much her daughter took after her. She had just gotten a call from the school saying that Clarice had been in yet another fight. 'Good for her!' chimed Norma Jean. 'Serves the little shits right for screwing with her and calling her four eyes!'

Norma knew in her heart she was proud of her daughter, she hoped she had actually fucked them up pretty badly. To the school though, Norma put on her game face and disciplined her daughter under their watchful eye. Once home though, she told Clarice how proud she was of her, she also told her she was going to start teaching her a few tricks so she wouldn't be caught next time.

Clarice woke up one morning after her mother had taught her a few tricks. "That boy will never call me four eyes again!" she said as she got out of bed to get ready for school.

 And he didn't. Nor did Clarice get caught this time. She had even hurt the boy worse than the last time. When she got home she seemed happier than ever to be in school and started working on her homework all by herself. Norma looked at her daughter with pride, 'That's my girl,' she said as she started dinner.

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