Monday, October 12, 2015

Chapter Seven - His Fate Was Sealed

'Not a god damn reaction! Not one! No screaming, no fighting! What the fuck is wrong with him!' Norma thought as she walked into her house. After she'd kissed Josef in front of Hector she thought for sure he's at least be pissed at her. Nope, not one word. 'Get rid of him, he's a loser!' Norma Jean screamed, 'How dare he not react to your betrayal!'

Of coarse she was right, Norma thought. He couldn't have loved her as he said he did, if he hadn't even reacted to her cheating on him! 'Fucking bastard, I want to make him bleed!' Norma told Norma Jean. 'But I want to do it!' Norma Jean screamed. 'Not this time Norma Jean, this time it is my turn.'

Norma had just grabbed a knife when a pain hit her. 'Oh fuck! Not now!' she screamed at the unborn baby. 'Just stay in there a little bit longer!'

It didn't work and another pain his soon after. "Ooof!" she muttered as another pain hit.

 "Did you say something Dear?" Hector asked as he sat down to eat his dinner. 
"The baby is coming," was all she could get out before another wave of pain came her way.

Hector called a babysitter than got his wife into their car. The ride to the hospital was silent as Hector thought about what he had seen his wife doing earlier that day. 'She did cheat on Bert with me, maybe that is just in her nature? She can't help it.' he thought.

He didn't have much time to think about it though as his wife's contractions started to get closer together. They pulled into the hospital and Hector all but forgot about his wife's infidelity. It wasn't as important as his baby.

Labor lasted until the next morning and by the time Norma was done, she had given birth to two beautifully evil babies. Norman Bates was born first. He was handsome and looked a lot like Norma. Bellatrix was born second, and Norma could see Hector so well in this one.

With them being healthy and Norma feeling better, they were released from the hospital that day. Norma and Hector took their little twins home so they could meet their sister Clarice.

After the birth of the twins Norma felt more like her old self and ready to get rid of Hector once and for all. She called Josef over and did everything she could think of beside strip naked in front of Hector and screw Josef right on the sofa. Nothing, not a reaction from anything. This just infuriated Norma and Norma Jean more. She couldn't take his nonchalant manner and Josef was actually getting ticked off too. Norma had learned a thing or two about Josef over the time they had spent together. One thing was, he was almost as evil as she was. He had told her about the three marriages he had broken up and that he felt a satisfaction that he never felt before when he saw the hurt in the husbands eyes. He loved playing the field and loved women in general, though he thought they were just insignificant beings that men were meant to rule. Norma kept her mouth shut on her feelings on that one. He had a dark sinister past that she only knew a little about, he'd told her about torturing animals as a child, about how he'd pluck the feathers off of birds and then rip their wings off. He'd then watch them hobble around trying to fly away, blood pouring out where their wings once were. He would laugh and once it died he'd find a new bird to torture. As he got older, he went from animals to humans. Torturing them in another way. Satisfying his need to hurt with just cheating, never having made the next step to actually kill someone.

Norma thought about this and how she could work him into her plan. 'Yes, he will do nicely,' Norma Jean agreed.

She finally talked to Josef about how she felt about how Hector never even said anything about her cheating, and how he acted like it never happened. Josef didn't like this, he wanted to hurt Hector and make the pain in his heart real. This gave Norma the edge to propose the plan she had worked up. She told Josef about how she wanted to hurt her husband, torture him per se, and see him squirm. Josef agreed and the two started to devise a full proof plan. They met in private at Josef's place when Hector was at work. Working out each and every detail to make sure it went smoothly.

At home, Norma started to favor Norman over her other two children. She hated men, but this one would be different. She would raise him, she would teach him to be just like her daddy, and she would make sure he was the kind of man that all men should be. She didn't hate her girls, they just were not as important in her plan in life, and so Norman was spoiled and loved, while the other two were ignored and only given the basics to survive.

It was finally time for Norma and Josef to put their plan in play. Josef had gotten the last of what they needed in the mail earlier that day. After he came over they woohoo'ed in the bed her and Hector shared and then again in the shower. It was turning Norma on just thinking of killing Hector. It had been so long since she had killed anything, this was going to good. Josef thought it was just him, that he himself was turning her on more than usual, and acted like he was king shit around the house. 'He's a fucking idiot isn't he?' Norma said to Norma Jean. 'Aren't they all?' Norma Jean replied. 'No, not anymore, not all. Norman will be the exception.'

Hector got home from work just as his wife and Josef were coming around the house from doing it in the grass out back. She felt alive and wanted to fuck everywhere.

"Oh hey Josef, didn't know you were working today," Hector said as he saw the two. 
"I don't. I was fucking your wife you moron!" Josef spat, he'd had enough of Hector's indifference. "Something you seem to have forgotten to do!"
"Oh, okay." Hector muttered, he hated confrontation and he just wanted his wife happy. He wasn't stupid, he knew why Josef was there, that ass didn't have to point it out. 
"Okay! OKAY! IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!!" Norma lost it, it was one thing to ignore what was going on, but to downright say okay was another!

She grabbed Hector and held him while Josef released the African Killer bee's. He had ordered them off the internet along with the replant to keep them off her, Josef and the kids.

 "OH YOU'LL REACT TO THAT WILL YOU! YOU MAKE ME SICK!" Norma laughed as Hector screamed, the bee's stinging him everywhere.

 When most of the bee's had died off, Hector was still breathing. "It didn't work," cried Josef. 
"Shut the fuck up! We'll just have to finish him off!" Norma said as she wrapped her arm around the weak Hectors throat. "I'll fucking squeeze the life out of him!" 

 Josef watched as Norma squeezed harder and harder making Hectors eyes bug out of his head. Finally his breathing stopped and he crumpled to the ground.

"Get rid of the body." Norma said, and she walked into the house and slammed the door. God she felt so good right now.

She walked up to her bedroom, that was now hers alone and sat down in her chair. Yes, it all had been perfectly executed. Josef would put Hectors body where they had planned and then act like he found him. The police will not even suspect that either had anything to do with it.

Satisfaction spread across Norma's face. Her's it was all her's now.

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