Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chapter Three - Evil Continues

Over the next few months Norma thought of different ways she could hurt her husband. She wanted to end this charade but she wanted to make him suffer first. She hated him with all her being and thought of his death often. She could make it gruesome causing him pain he'd never felt before, or she could make it swift, just getting rid of him for good.

'Lets do it quickly!Get him out of the way!' Norma Jean often said, but Norma wasn't so sure. Where was the satisfaction in that?

The idea came to her one morning while she was out shopping around town. She'd met a few more of the residence, all of whom just made her skin crawl. The men looked at her like she was a piece of meat, while the women looked at her with disgust and jealousy. That was until she met Hector Mendoza.

Hector wasn't like the other men in town. He didn't fall all over her or even look at her with lust in his eyes. No, he barely looked at her at all in fact. Norma liked this, it gave her a challenge, and so she started to follow Hector around town watching his moves and what he was interested in. She found out he was in a relationship with some tramp named Lailia Al Fachad. Oh how Norma wished she could slice her throat in front of Hector, showing him who was the dominate one. Men needed to be shown who was boss, their pee little minds just couldn't handle making decisions for themselves.

One day Norma was back at the little shop that sold the annoying puppies. She visited there often as people would get the idea she had a nurturing nature and loved all creatures. Suckers, she hated them all and wanted to strangle the little yippers! She also knew that Hector frequented the shop often. She didn't know why as he never played with the barking rags, just got on his laptop and did something for hours.

It was on this day that Norma decided to engage the man in conversation. Bert had pissed her off again that morning and Norma almost ended him right there.

'Bastard fucking left when we went to kill him!' Norma Jean stated. 'I know, but that was probably a good thing, I so want to make him suffer first.' Norma replied.

Hector was at the shop on his laptop again and Norma took this opportunity to sit down and strike up a conversation with him. At first he ignored her, which just gave Norma more reason to get him. She'd like making this one suffer too.

"You are not going to leave me alone are you?" Hector asked, as he shut his laptop and put it back into his backpack. 
"Not likely," replied Norma, batting her eyes at him and giving him her seductive smile. "I've seen you around town, I thought I'd say 'Hi'."
"Hi," Hector said nonchalantly as he got up to leave. 

Norma clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, 'How dare the bastard walk away from her!' she thought as she stood up and tried to regain control. 'Fucker is going to pay! Maybe I'll kill that pretty little girlfriend in front on him, then make him bathe in her blood. That would show him!'

She stopped herself though and instead tried to get him to communicate with her more. "Are you a writer?" she asked trying to get him to pay attention to her. 
"Uh, yes, how did you guess?" he asked as he stopped and turned towards her. 
"You just have that look. I see you around a lot with your laptop." she replied. 'There we go, real him in Norma' Norma Jean whispered.

That one little statement was all it took to get his attention. "Oh really?" he asked as he turned around to look at Norma, really look at her. "And what look is that?"
"To tell you the truth, I think it is sexy. Nothing like a man with a mind full of wonder." she replied, sitting back down as he did.

This seemed to please Hector and he started to open up to her. He talked about how his girlfriend thought what he did was a waste of time. How they fought more than they didn't about his writing and guitar playing. He told Norma how he had hoped to become a great music legend or a world best selling author. While he talked on and on, Norma half listened commenting when she needed to and making noises of appreciation to keep him talking. It started to get late when all of a sudden Hector jumped out of his seat and said he had to go.

"Wait!" Norma screamed accidentally, 'Shit, he was going to think I'm desperate!'

She got up and tried to act normal, then when he told her he really needed to go, she tried to give him a kiss. Unfortunately, Hector wasn't as easy to manipulate as Bert and rejected her.

"What are you doing? I have a girlfriend!" he told her, shocked that she tried something.

"I...I didn't mean it as anything but friendly." Norma replied, acting like she was the innocent one here.

'Lets chop his dick off! How dare he reject us!' Norma Jean screamed from inside.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I thought you were trying something else." Hector said, real embarrassment on his face.

'Yes, lets do it, lets chop it up and feed it to his girlfriend!' Norma Jean laughed. Norma ignored Norma Jean for the time being, she couldn't act innocent and answer Norma Jean at the same time.

Hector apologized again, told Norma he really needed to go and headed out the door. Norma watched him till she couldn't see him any longer. 'I will have you Hector Mendoza, even if I have to get rid of that BITCH first to do it.'


Months went by and Norma hadn't "ran" into Hector again. She'd called him on his cell a few times and they'd talked though. Mostly about his writing and how Lailia didn't understand him. Norma turned into the shoulder to cry on for him as it seemed to be what he needed. She pretended to be interested in his book and his latest song he wrote. Both which sucked by the way, but she'd never tell him that.

Bert was getting ready for work one morning while Norma still lay in bed. She hadn't been feeling well the past few days and so her mornings seemed to be getting started later and later. She liked it though, it meant she didn't have to see her husband till the evening and she didn't want to kill his quiet as much.

The pains started then, at first just being small cramps in her stomach. As the morning progressed they got worse. Finally admitting she was in labor, she let Bert know as he got out of the shower.

"Oh my god, oh my god, what do we do!" Bert started to panic and paced around the room. 
"I fucking go to the hospital you idiot! What do you think we do?!" Norma said in between contractions. "I swear to god Bert if you don't shut the fuck up I am going to rip that tongue of yours out!"

Bert had heard the threats before most of the time them scaring him. This time he knew it was just the pain talking. Or at least he hoped.

Norma called a taxi and then started to head out the door. "Wait! I need to get dressed first!" Bert yelled as she opened the front door. 
"I don't want you there! I'll text you when the baby is born!" Norma replied as she slammed the door shut and headed to the hospital.

Bert stood there confused. His wife scared him sometimes and he knew if he showed up and she really didn't want him there, there would be hell to pay. He contemplated what to do for a few more minutes then decided to just go to work. 'She'd rather have my money than me half the time anyways.' he thought.


Norma was glad Bert didn't follow her. She couldn't hand the pain on top of his whining sniveling annoying existence. Bringing his baby into the world was bad enough, Norma just hoped it got more of her traits than his.

Labor went on for hours, but Norma actually enjoyed the pain. She felt like her body was tearing open and thought of it as what the men in her life would feel when she got to them. While Norma pushed she thought of how the babies head was being squeezed through a small hole, she then thought of how she could make Bert's head pop while squeezing it through a small hole.

Clarice Bates was born at 5:57pm and Norma could see the evil in her small daughters eyes. Oh yes, she was beautiful, but more importantly Norma would raise her to be just like her.

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